Blogger Program

Are You a Lolitas?

Do you want to receive free Lolita fashion items?

Don’t hesitate to reach out! Send us an email at introducing yourself, and you could receive free Lolita clothing worth $40 to $100.

Lolitas Blogger Policy

A. Requirements:

  1. Blog Content: You must have a blog that mainly focuses on Lolita fashion.
  2. Social Media: At least one of your social media accounts should have a minimum of 1,000 followers.

B. Tag Us:

  • After receiving the items, you need to take photos of yourself wearing our clothing and post them on your blog and social media accounts within 7-10 days.
  • Make sure to tag us (

C. Notify Us:

  • After posting the photos, send us an email to notify us. This helps us keep track and plan future collaborations.

D. Usage Rights:

  • We reserve the right to use the photos and related content from your posts.
  • We may collect photos and comments from your posts.
  • Sometimes, we may use your content, for instance, posting it on our Facebook page or featuring your photos on our website. If you do not agree to this, please inform us in advance.

That's it! Simple, right? If you want to join our program, send us an email at While sharing your photos, you can also join our Affiliate Program for a chance to earn commissions.